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Finding Unclaimed Money Isn’t A Scam

Every year billions of dollars are stolen from hapless customers who only thought they were bettering their situations. An email arrives in their inbox and they read it only to find out that they’re the winner of $7 million dollars. All they have to do is send 10% of that money to Nigeria and the rest – all $630,000 – will be instantly forwarded to their bank account. With promises of easy money, most people fall for these types of scams, and the only ones who end up rich are the Nigerian scammers huddled in front of computer monitors in some smoky Internet café. With these types of scams so prevalent, it’s understandable that people would think ‘scam’ upon first hearing about finding unclaimed money. Yet unclaimed money is most definitely not a scam. It is a very real phenomenon that actually could yield cold hard cash.


The Unclaimed Money Problem

The difference between finding unclaimed money and the common email scam is that everyone’s a winner in the email scam. In other words, if you are going to respond to a scammer, you had better be prepared to be scammed. A lot of email scams are laced with tips that they are not legitimate. They will offer ridiculous amounts of money that will be easily deposited directly into your bank account and are usually always from other countries then America. Sometimes they will include inheritances from people you have never heard of due to their not being a single living heir, which is never truly thew case of any of these scams. In cases where there are no living heirs or any sort of will left behind, in most cases the money goes to a charity or something the recently deceased person was involved in. Or the state they passed away in may have rights to keep the funds or property after the statue of limitations has expired.

The unclaimed money offer and availability at CashUnclaimed.com is totally different in so many ways. When you insert your full first and last name into the database when prompted, you will be able to see if there is any money or property available or not almost immediately. For many, the response will be negative or a very small amount due to an old utility or security deposit that was never reimbursed or never transferred to your new utility account for your new rental or purchase. This usually happens when there is a change of name due to a marriage or divorce and the utility company may not realize that the new account was attached in any way to the old one unless you actually take the time to notify them and provide them with proof of a change of name. Since the initial search doesn’t cost anything, there really is nothing to lose but a few minutes of your time and just think, if a few minutes equals a few thousand dollars or even a few hundred, it was definitely worth the few minutes of time!

For those who do end up finding unclaimed money, they will be able to see a dollar amount, as well as the origins of that money. Then  you will be able to either get contact information or be given further instruction on what next staeps to take to proceed in claiming and receiving your hard earned money. The best part about these types of unclaimed funds or missing property is that 100% of the money in question actually belongs to you. It always belonged to you, it simply ended up missing or misplaced for a while. The money could have been due to a lost insurance payment or a missing trade account, but the result is the same. The money ends up in the unclaimed money registry with your name on it. You just have to locate it before the statue of limitations expires in the state that the money is currently being held in.

To take those few minutes to check this out, visit the Cash Unclaimed database and see if you have left any money behind OR if anyone left money behind for you! Unlike a scam, you could come out empty handed, but it won’t cost you a thing. If you do end up finding money, you’ll be able to spread the word that Finding Unclaimed money is both legitimate and potentially lucrative.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.