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Is Free Unclaimed Money a Myth?

If you feel the concept of free unclaimed money was a myth, then you need to give it a second thought, because according to a recent survey there are billions of dollars lying in the US treasury in the form of free unclaimed money.

This is not all for the volume of free unclaimed money is growing at an unprecedented rate across the United States of America with each state contributing its share.

In order to get your share of free unclaimed money, all you need to do is file a claim and reclaim your dues. You never know, you might become rich by simply unearthing your hidden property and pave way for the others to follow suit.

Free unclaimed money came into being when the rightful owners of properties, shares, bank accounts, other financial assets disappeared owing to a change in job, marriage or death.
When such individuals failed to claim their assets within a certain period (usually three to five years, the related institutions which had taken possession of these assets as potential working capital passed them over to their respective states. The states then transfer them to the treasury department and labeled them as free unclaimed money.
Government unclaimed money can be in the form of hard assets like property, forgotten bank accounts, shares or financial bonds. How does your money become government unclaimed money? This is a good question with a fairly simple answer. It all happens when you relocate to another state on the pretext of getting a new job or marriage, die in an accident or become disabled. In such a scenario, more often than not, you tend to forget about your own funds and fail to keep track of your financial institutions.

When this happens, your money is immediately taken up by your respective bank or financial institution where it functions as a potential working capital for a period of three to five years. After this, it is conveniently transferred in the form of government unclaimed money to the state treasury.

The funds lie with the government till the time its rightful owners do not come forth to stake a claim. The claims can either be done by hiring a professional or by using the services of the World Wide Web. Either way, you need to hurry for the government unclaimed money is waiting for your arrival.
The states don’t bother to locate the rightful owners on the pretext of minimal manpower but the truth is far from this, for the government unclaimed money actually help the states in meeting their financial deficits.

Now that the entire process is crystal clear, start your easy search for free unclaimed money today!

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.