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Bank Closings Leave Behind Misplaced Funds

Misplaced funds are popping up all over the country and the majority of the owners of these misplaced funds have no idea. That’s because bank closings have led to these misplaced funds and most people assume that when a bank closes, that money goes missing forever. Fortunately for you, you can find misplaced funds with a mere online search. You can thank the FDIC for that privilege.


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation – FDIC Funds Are Available

If you want to find misplaced funds in the form of closed bank accounts, look no further than the FDIC. The FDIC is a government organization that insures deposits made into American banks up to a certain amount. If the bank closes down, the FDIC will ensure that the misplaced funds are located and managed. When this happens, the FDIC funds will sit in limbo until such time as the rightful owners come forward to collect them. Luckily, this doesn’t involve contacting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation directly. A much better and faster way to find misplaced funds is to use the Cash Unclaimed database.


Cash Unclaimed – Find Misplaced Funds

Cash Unclaimed is considered one of the world’s largest databases for locating and claiming misplaced funds. Simply search using your first and last name. The moment you hit submit, you’ll find out if you are the rightful owner of misplaced funds that are being held or managed by the federal government. If you do find money, you’ll be able to claim them by following a few simple steps. These FDIC funds will either be mailed to you or deposited directly into your bank account, depending on your preference.

Finally, you have a way to recoup the misplaced funds that may belong to you, and that may have left your possession so many years ago. If you experienced a bank closing and you think you might have FDIC funds in any amount, even if the amount is a measly twenty dollars, you owe it to yourself to try to find misplaced funds.

Many people find that FDIC funds grow over time thanks to interest. That means that you may find many more misplaced funds than you originally had in your lost bank account. Search using the Cash Unclaimed database and see if you have any money owed to you by the federal government. You never know if you might find a lump of cash from a bank account you opened and then lost so many years ago.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.