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The Colorado Money Search

Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, because this year might prove to be the biggest Colorado money search in history. The search for lost money is on and it’s up to current and former Colorado residents to find it. Each year the Colorado State Treasurer is on the receiving end of millions upon millions of lost money. If you want to search for money in Colorado, you’re invited to join this year’s Colorado money search. All you need is an online connection.

The Colorado state treasurer’s office reports over 1.7 million names on the unclaimed money registry. That amounts to millions of dollars that belongs to the hard working men and women of this great state. To engage in the Colorado money search, you simply have to search for your name, or for the name of someone you know.

That’s the beauty about the search for money in Colorado: anyone can search and you can search as often as you want using various people’s names. You can search for the names of friends and family and even for businesses that you might be responsible for with the Colorado State Treasurer. Individuals and organizations make up that 1.7 million strong list and your name could be on there, too. Enter the Colorado money search and you just might find money that you left behind long ago.


What Will the Search for Money in Colorado Turn Up?

Every year residents are surprised at the amounts they find of Colorado unclaimed cash just sitting there in their names waiting to be claimed. While some residents only find 50 dollars here and there adding up from old security or utility deposits, others find quite a bit more. Some individuals even find hundreds in insurance refunds and some find thousands from old tax returns. There are even the luckier few who find much more than that from inheritance estates or old forgotten about property, like heirlooms, jewelry or even old baseball card and gold coin collections.

You really don’t know what you’ll find until you enter the search for money in Colorado for yourself. You don’t need to go anywhere. You can search from your home, office or from your mobile device while you’re running around town. Wherever you happen to be, enter the Colorado money search and help the Colorado State Treasurers return all that money to the people who deserve it most: the rightful owners.

How much money will you find this year?

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.