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Why There Are Still Lost Funds in Iowa

Lost funds in Iowa are still a big problem, and this news may be bittersweet to Iowa residents everywhere. On one hand, the news is bad because lost funds of any kind put a strain on the economy. The more money is in the Iowa lost funds account, the less money is in the pockets and accounts of hard working state residents. Yet the news can be good because it means that a good number of lucky families have a chance to make this holiday season a very lucrative one indeed. It all depends on the ability of residents to search for and find the Iowa lost funds that they have coming to them. In that aspect, there is even more good news. A database known as Cash Unclaimed is offering its services to Iowans everywhere. It only takes a simple search with a first and last name and lost funds in Iowa may soon become a thing of the past.

Iowa Lost Funds – How They Keep Piling Up

Many residents are oblivious to the fact that they are contributing lost funds in Iowa. Some are shortchanged at the bank teller’s window, some move away and end up abandoning bank accounts, pension accounts or both. Then there are those that fail to cash payroll checks, social security checks and tax returns from the good ol’ IRS. With all of these lost funds collecting in the allocated treasury vault almost by the day, it is important for Iowa residents to be able to search for and find their rightfully owned unclaimed funds.

Cash Unclaimed wants to help. Find the database with your web browser and enter the information it requests, usually your first and last name. With the press of a button, you will find out if you have lost funds in Iowa. If you do, you will be able to collect them quickly and just in time for the holiday season. If you don’t have Iowa lost funds in your name, pass the word on to others who may be a tad luckier. Who knows, your friends, family and co-workers who do in fact find lost funds may share their newfound loot with you. It’s the least they can do for informing them of the growing Iowa lost funds problem and for helping them recoup their hard earned money that may have been lost for months or even years.

Search Cash Unclaimed today and help Iowa treasurers eradicate the Iowa lost funds problem altogether. Many people don’t even realize that lost funds in Iowa or any other state for that matter even exist. I am sure it is hard for many people to even fathom, with the technology in this day and age that peoples money and property are still able to become “lost”. A lot of people forget that this country is still not very old. Which means even though our technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds year after year, we still have to catch up with our older and existing technologies. So step into the present and help us move forward as a country and conduct your free search for unclaimed money in Iowa and nationwide today! Everyone could use some extra cash around the holiday season!

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.