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Do You Have Unclaimed IRS Money Available To You?

Every year on April 15th, Americans across the country are supposed to file their tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service. Some people expect to get money back from the IRS in the form of a tax refund; but it’s not uncommon for some of that money to go missing. Tax forms are filled out incorrectly all the time and IRS agents are only human after all. Call it an accounting error on the behalf of the filer or a mistake on the behalf of the IRS; that money still ends up in limbo. And most filers don’t even realize that they have unclaimed IRS money being held in their name. The state Federal Treasury department is responsible for holding your unclaimed IRS money, if that money does indeed exist. If you think there is a chance that the IRS may have held money back from you, you are encouraged to visit Cash Unclaimed, a nationwide database that specializes in helping Americans everywhere recoup the money that’s owed to them.


The IRS May Have Your Money

Your unclaimed IRS money, if it does indeed exist, would be filed away with all the other checks that flowed into the Treasury immediately following tax time. The money that ends up missing is usually found after a short time, but the proper recipient may not be immediately identified. Or in some cases they are not able to track down the rightful owner at all due to name changes due to marriage and other possibilities as well. You could have recently gone through a divorce and be going through the actions of changing your name back to your maiden name which may slow down the process of getting these types of lost funds over to you.

Other examples are pretty obvious even if you haven’t ever actually thought about these types of funds before. You could have moved abruptly or changed jobs and final figures could not have been turned in on a timely manner resulting in inaccurate amounts on your refund that might not be caught until a few years down the line when that old employers own government records were brought up to date. There have even been cases where a company wide audit may have delayed the final tax figures from being in on time or from being 100% accurate.

So if you were owed unclaimed IRS money, you wouldn’t have been told. Instead, the money would have been sent to the Treasury for safekeeping until you, the actual owner, stepped forward. The problem is, if you don’t know that your unclaimed IRS money is being held, how can you step forward to claim it? That is why Cash Unclaimed has been established; to help all Americans reclaim their missing funds, including tax returns and any other funds that may have been held by the IRS due to errors on either party’s behalf.

The cost is free and the results are instant. Search Cash Unclaimed and reclaim your unclaimed IRS money. With billions of dollars just waiting to be delivered, you would kick yourself if you missed out on the opportunity to get back all the money that rightfully belongs to you.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.