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Kentucky Needs Your Help with Missing Cash

Kentucky is sending out an SOS to all current and former residents who may have money in the state’s unclaimed money account. The state’s Treasury and Department of Revenue are having a heck of time managing the state’s missing cash. This Kentucky missing cash is growing to the tune of millions of dollars per year and until something major happens the problem will keep piling up. What’s this major event that Treasurers are waiting for? They’re mostly waiting for the rightful owners of this Kentucky missing cash to step forward to claim the money as their own. Considering that most people have no idea they have missing cash in Kentucky, you can imagine that this problem is much larger than anyone anticipated.


Where Does Kentucky Missing Cash Come From?

The Kentucky missing cash problem didn’t start yesterday nor did it start last year. This is a problem that has been building up for many years. Every year, the Treasurers are on the receiving end of abandoned bank account funds, money from lost paychecks, inheritance money that has never been collected and so much more. This money doesn’t just go away, nor does it go to the state. Instead, the money flows into the state’s special account where it holds the rest of the missing cash in Kentucky. Do you want to help with missing cash in Kentucky? If so, listen up.
To help with missing cash in Kentucky, you don’t need to travel anywhere and you certainly don’t have to spend any money. You simply search the Cash Unclaimed database using your first and last name. In a moment, you’ll know whether or not you have missing cash in Kentucky, and you’ll also receive the steps required to retrieve the money that’s rightfully yours.

Search for missing cash in Kentucky and you might just find a hundred, a thousand or more dollars in your name. Missing utility deposits, insurance payouts and court settlements or anything else – you may have left it behind so long ago. Now is your chance to help with missing cash in Kentucky by claiming what’s rightfully yours. If more people search for missing cash in Kentucky, we may see an end to this Kentucky unclaimed cash problem in our lifetime. So many people don’t even realize where missing money comes from let alone why they may actually have some showing in their or their loved ones names.

People forget all the time about the security deposit they put down on their last rental or may assume it will be all used up once they leave fro cleaning and new carpets. The reality of it is that all apartments and renters alike are supposed to change the carpets and clean before a new tenant moves in or usually even before the place is actually shown. Most of the time, with apartments, they have several units cleaned at a time to save tome and money which usually means they are using even less of your initial security deposit then normal which means more of it should in turn go straight right back into your pocket. A lot of times the old landlord will just wait and see if the renter ever comes back for any refunds on their initial deposit and if they don’t, they simply keep it.

So not only are there tons more reasons why you or your loved ones could possibly have any unclaimed or missing money in their names but now you have a better idea of where to start checking!

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.