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Have You Ever Forgotten A Bank Account And Lost Money?

Most people don’t actually lose their money. They hold onto it, watching and keeping track of it every second they get. They keep it secure in their wallets, in their pockets or purses and they even put their money in bank accounts and safety deposit boxes to keep it extra secure. Some people might even go as far as burying it like treasure. Yet even when money is safe in a bank account, it’s still susceptible to getting lost and forgotten about. People really do forget about money in their bank accounts all the time and this money just ends up getting “lost” or unaccounted for. Have you ever misplaced or lost money in this manner? How can you really be sure that you haven’t?


Lost Money From Abandoned Bank Accounts

Let’s just say you have a bank account that only has about thirty dollars in it. You have that open bank account, but you never really do anything with it. It is just plain sitting there in the background. Maybe it is collecting interest and maybe it is not. One day you actually forget about the bank account entirely and you stop keeping track of it. Over time but before you know it, there has been a bank error in your favor and your thirty dollars has just been transformed into three hundred dollars.

You would not even know about this lost money unless you searched for it using the Cash Unclaimed database. While this story may be hyperbole, anything could happen. There are so many sources like this one to help people find lost money. From things like insurance settlements, uncashed paychecks, unreturned security or utility deposits and even tax returns and state refunds may be out there waiting for you. So whether you lost money by leaving it in an old forgotten about bank account or you lost it by failing to cash a final paycheck after leaving a previous job, you owe it to yourself to claim that money today. Even if you are not 100% sure you forgot about any of these things, with so many services at your finger tips online you really are only possibly hurting yourself by not taking an opportunity to check it out, just in case.

The state and federal governments simply do not have the resources necessary to manage and keep track of all of this lost money. Plus, wouldn’t you like some of that lost money to use as your own? It could be your money, after all. You might as well find out if any of it is your and put it to good use. I am sure just like everyone else out there in this nation today that you could use it towards bills, rent, groceries, which we all know can cost quite a bit every month. If you are one of the few families that is still really comfortable in these areas then why not put it in savings towards retirement or your children’s education for the future. Good there too, then perhaps you can take your family on that vacation you have been longing for.

Now think back. Did you ever have a bank account that you may have forgotten about? Maybe one you opened when you were first getting into the world of finance. Have you lost money through one of the other sources mentioned above? Even if you are not totally sure, conduct a search for lost money today and you may find yourself just a tad bit richer by tomorrow.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.