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The Reflector Lists Unclaimed Funds In Ohio

The Huron County Reflector is set to announce nearly 700 unclaimed funds accounts in an upcoming issue. That’s almost $250,000 in Ohio unclaimed funds and the rightful owners of those sums have yet to come forward. That was why the decision was made to publish the unclaimed funds in Ohio’s Reflector. They are hoping that by getting the word out it will urge Ohio residents to come forward and check and see if any of these unclaimed funds belong to them or anyone they might know.

Ohio’s Director of the Department of Commerce, David Goodman, is attempting to raise awareness for the ‘2012 Unclaimed Funds Treasure Hunt’. Searching for Ohio unclaimed funds used to be a chore, but today residents only need to read the Reflector to see if they have unclaimed funds in Ohio waiting for them. They can even check nationwide with online search databases in case they have previously relocated.

The unclaimed funds in Ohio vaults is the result of money that has been left behind, lost and forgotten. It’s hard to believe that so many people would leave good money behind, but it happens nearly every day. Some common examples of Ohio unclaimed funds include previous paychecks that haven’t been cashed, utility and rental deposits that were never returned, money from dormant or abandoned bank accounts, undelivered stock certificates and even insurance policies that have never been cashed out.

While $250,000 seems like a lot of money (it comes out to $235,528.15 to be exact), the total amount of money held in Ohio unclaimed funds accounts is $2,012,229.12. That staggering amount represents money that isn’t doing Ohioans or the state’s economy one bit of good. It is actually doing more harm then anything else, costing the state thousands of dollars per year just to track and maintain these growing unclaimed funds.

Seeing those figures, it’s easy to see why Commerce Director Goodman made the decision to publish the unclaimed funds in Ohio’s Reflector. Residents all over Ohio are going to be thrilled when they read the unclaimed funds in Ohio list and see their name next to an unknown sum of money. Some will find ten or twenty dollars and some will find hundreds. Some may even find thousands. According to Goodman, in fiscal year 2011, the average claim was for $1,318.

Read the Reflector to find out if you have unclaimed funds in Ohio. Or you can conduct a search here online, which will not only search for Ohio unclaimed funds, but it will also search the Treasury databases in all fifty states and the federal government to see if you have funds available. How much do you have out there? Search for unclaimed funds today and find out.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.