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Unclaimed Child Support Funds Are On The Rise

Many parents are forced to pay child support and it would be nice if that money actually went directly to the child. Unfortunately, this is not usually how this ends up working out. When a court passes judgment on a defendant in a child support case, that money has to be paid to the court first and then it goes to the care giving parent. Sometimes that money never quite reaches the parent and it ends up becoming unclaimed funds that the state just holds onto. It isn’t until the rightful owner comes forward to claim these unclaimed child support funds that the money can be released.

Luckily, with today’s modern technology, this has become a very simplified process. All of us, everyone in the world in fact, have the ability to surf the World Wide Web and check databases set up online to find these types or funds and other properties or refunds as well. It really is amazing the ability we all have to do this yet even important issues like unclaimed child support funds continue to grow in this country every single day.


Searching for Unclaimed Child Support Funds

So even if you have been receiving your child support payments or if your child support payments are currently in arrears, you still might want to check the state treasury database. That way you can see if there are any unclaimed funds available in yours or your child’s name. You never know when you might find a hundred to five hundred dollars or even up to thousands of dollars, who knows. That would make for a big difference to any child who needs it and any single parent providing sole care for them.

We already have the ability to easily check with the State Treasury and government coffers online to search for these types as well as several other types of unclaimed funds. If you find the right website with a nationwide database it makes it easy to check for any unclaimed child support funds that you may have just sitting in some state coffer somewhere. Unless you know for sure where the mother or father of your child has always lived, this may not be such a far stretch that you might have some of these unclaimed funds waiting for you to claim them.


The Unclaimed Funds Problem

The truth is, there are millions of dollars sitting in State Treasury and government coffers and more cash from things like child support money keeps flowing in every month. Until these parents come forward and claim all of their unclaimed child support funds, the problem may continue to get worse. With our economy already struggling nationwide, each individual state really can’t afford to keep track or and care for all this money.

The problem isn’t isolated to child support payments, however. Unclaimed funds, in general, are on the rise. With child support unclaimed funds representing a large chunk of the pie, there is still the rest of the pie to contend with. A search for unclaimed funds will reveal whether or not you have child support or any other type of funds owed to you. Once these funds are found you will be able to see the dollar amount owed, as well as the department or company that is holding the funds in question. This will give you the information you need to contact the department or company in questions to provide proof and claim your funds.

Once claimed, you will receive a check through the mail, or in some cases you can even have the funds delivered right to your bank account via direct deposit. So stop wasting time and possible money and search for unclaimed funds today. Your child may get the funds he or she desperately needs or you might find that you have two hundred dollars coming to you from an old utility deposit you never received a refund from. Anything can happen when you search for unclaimed funds.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.