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Arkansas Has Unclaimed IRS Refunds

The state of Arkansas is holding onto millions of dollars in unclaimed IRS refunds and one of those checks could belong to you. This is the message the Arkansas state government would like to extend to all current and former residents. Each year at tax time, the IRS is forced to issue millions of tax refunds to residents across the state. Sometimes these checks end up lost or misplaced and that results in the state holding onto the money until the resident can come forward. If you want to learn how to claim unclaimed IRS refunds in Arkansas, let’s follow the trail of a typical tax refund as it goes from the IRS to the Arkansas Treasury account vault.


The IRS Issues a Check

As you can imagine, the IRS is forced to issue communications and refunds to millions of people and businesses. The fact that there are so many tax filers, compounded by the fact that there are only a limited number of IRS employees, means that there are bound to be lots of errors year after year.

Sometimes the IRS sends a refund out to the wrong address. If you happened to move and you didn’t notify the IRS of that move, your check might end up with all the other unclaimed IRS refunds. Then there are the cases of those people who thought the check was junk mail and just threw it away. Regardless of how it happens, you might find funds in Arkansas that originate from IRS tax refunds. If that’s the case, you need to search for them now if you ever hope to recoup them and spend them as you’d like.

Unclaimed IRS refunds in Arkansas are easy to find if you have an Internet connection. On this very page are boxes to enter your first and last name. That search will let you know within moments whether or not you have unclaimed IRS refunds in your name.

If you do find funds in Arkansas that originate from the IRS, you will be able to have that money mailed to you or wired to your account within a few days. That’s the best way to find unclaimed money and it’s a perfect way to find extra cash that actually belongs to you, but that the IRS failed to deliver to you. If you need extra money, search for unclaimed IRS refunds in Arkansas and you might find yourself a few thousand dollars richer.

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