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What Happens To Unclaimed Lottery Funds In New Jersey

August 7th, 2013

Everyday millions of people purchase lottery tickets in New Jersey. These hopeful men and women stand in line at grocery and convenience stores with their dollars in hand hoping that they’ll have a chance to win a mega-jackpot that will see them set for life. As they say, you won’t win if you don’t play. If you are included with the New Jersey lottery playing group and you’ve ever won a jackpot, you may have left some of your winnings behind in your mad rush to go on a much needed vacation! This is in fact a growing epidemic called unclaimed lottery funds. If you suspect that you may have been shorted by the lottery commission, there is a new and easy way to find out.

Unclaimed Lottery Money Creates Millionaires

May 18th, 2012

Unclaimed lottery money may seem a myth to many of us. Most of the jackpots are still searching for their rightful owners. Unclaimed lottery wins have been on a constant rise throughout the year as the figures suggest. Illinois has reported an approximate of $14 million dollars whereas the regions of Indiana, Massachusetts, and Georgia have reported average unclaimed lottery win worth $45 million dollars.

The piles of unclaimed money from lotteries are increasing at an alarming rate as the people who have been extra conscious in managing their finances have still lost plenty in the form of unclaimed lottery money. Unclaimed lottery money is one of the simplest ways by which you can improve your finances because there have been many cases of unclaimed lotteries in the states that resulted in millionaires.

Find Unclaimed Lottery Money and Increase Funds

May 11th, 2012

Finding unclaimed lottery money is one of the easiest ways to increase finances and become rich instantly. Savings and investments are some of the ways that guarantee return but on a long term. Lost money or property is the most underestimated and the easiest ways by which you can make money by sitting at home. Many of us are not even aware of the fact that we have unclaimed money scattered around in the form of properties or unclaimed lottery jackpot.

Strick it RICH With Unclaimed Money!

February 29th, 2012

Could YOU be the next recipient of unclaimed LOTTERY money?? THis could make ANYONE an instant MILLIONAIRE!!

Unclaimed money is far too common a thing among the US. Unclaimed lottery wins are more common than they should be! Who wins the lottery and doesn’t know?? Possibly YOU??

Find out today with CashUnclaimed.com! Search for FREE!!

Millions Exist in Unclaimed Lottery Money

February 16th, 2012

Did you know a few states are experiencing unclaimed lottery money? Rhode Island has a $336.4 million powerball winning still unclaimed, among other states.

Could this belong to you? To find out, go to https://www.cashunclaimed.com, and search for your unclaimed money today, all for free!

Where Does Unclaimed Lottery Money Go?

July 27th, 2011

Maybe you bought a lottery ticket for the Powerball and because the odds of winning are so small, never checked to see if you have won. Maybe you bought a lottery ticket for an instant game or draw game and promptly lost the ticket. How do you know you are not someone who is due unclaimed lottery money? There are always news stories about lottery winnings that are never claimed, sometimes in the millions of dollars.Just last year, a Powerball ticket purchased in West Georgia worth $77 million dollars went unclaimed. It’s painful to think that someone could be sitting on that kind of money and just carelessly let it go, but it happens all the time. So, what does happen to all of that money? The answer depends on the state in which the unclaimed lottery ticket was purchased.

Instant Millionaire: Find Unclaimed Lottery Wins

December 1st, 2010

Unclaimed lottery jackpots: It sounds unrealistic but the fact is that every year dozens of hefty jackpots are left unclaimed. Unclaimed lottery winnings have been on the rise. In most of these cases the efforts to locate the rightful owners of these lotteries have gone in vain. In 2005, Illinois reported $14 million of unclaimed lottery winnings. Indiana reported more than $5 million of unclaimed lottery ticket in the same year. The state of Massachusetts reported $4.6 million of unclaimed lottery money a few years earlier. Between 2008 and 2009, Georgia reported almost $45 millions of unclaimed lottery money.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.