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What 2014 Means for Lost Funds in California

February 12th, 2014

California seems to be in a lost funds crisis. With the state currently holding onto billions of dollars that still haven’t been returned to the rightful owners, treasurers are looking for any excuse to return those funds to anyone who will step forward and claim them. Of course you will have to prove that you are indeed the true owner of the California lost funds in question; but fifty, a hundred or a thousand dollars or more could be yours just by conducting a free search on a nationwide database called Cash Unclaimed.

Conducting a Quick Search

Find Lost Funds Early in 2014

January 28th, 2014

As January heads into the early months of 2014, many people are going to be looking for extra ways to get their bills paid, cut down on debt and hopefully take a much-needed vacation to get away from the daily grinds of everyday life. As the economy steadily improves, more money could come your way; but it’s far better to go after what you want instead of waiting for a lump of cash to fall in your lap. If you are one of those go-getters who doesn’t want to wait around for fortune to strike, it’s recommended that you search online for lost funds in 2014 using the free-to-use and incredibly user-friendly website Cash Unclaimed.

Lost Funds Are Getting Out of Hand

September 24th, 2013

If there is one problem the federal government is sick of handling, it’s the lost funds account that has been building and building well into the billions for years. Right now US Treasury officials are fielding incoming checks, bank accounts and other monetary funds and they don’t quite know what to do with them. These checks and accounts do have a rightful owner, but the money comes in so quickly and there’s just so much of it that returning all of those lost funds to the proper owners would be downright impossible. If you would like to know if you are one of the millions who are owed lost funds, there is a good and simple way to find out.

Pennsylvania Lost Funds News

August 1st, 2013

Pennsylvania lost funds are once more in the news as the problem continues to grow out of control. State treasurers have been battling the lost funds issue for years, and analysts are hard-pressed to find a solution. With checks and bonds and even bank accounts rolling into the treasury at alarming rates, treasurers are trying everything to curb the influx of money and to bring awareness to the hardworking men and women of Pennsylvania who the money rightfully belongs to. With $1.9 billion unaccounted for, state treasurers would love nothing more than to return all that money and return the unclaimed funds balance to a more respectable and manageable level. If you would like to find lost funds in Pennsylvania and you don’t want to involve the phone or snail mail, you’ll be glad to know that you can use the Internet and you can do it from anywhere and at any time.

Alabama Lost Funds Continuing To Grow Out Of Hand

July 23rd, 2013

Alabama has its share of problems, like most states in the union, but one pressing problem is forcing state treasurers to work overtime. Alabama lost funds are growing quickly out of hand, and treasury officials are trying the ‘kitchen sink’ routine when it comes to dealing with the issue. Extra manpower, throwing extra funds at the problem – so far nothing has seemed to work; that is until a particular online database showed up on the scene. Not affiliated with the treasury, Cash Unclaimed is considered one of the largest databases of its kind in the nation. It will help families all over the state discover lost funds in Alabama with nothing more than the internet and some basic contact information.

Lost Funds, Banking And Your Debit Card

May 31st, 2013

The banking industry results in millions of dollars in lost funds annually and the government is currently searching for ways around the problem. These millions of dollars belong to everyday Americans and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that most of the rightful owners of these funds have no idea the money even exists. If more people become aware of how banking leads to lost funds, we may be able to rid our country of this problem once and for all.

The Cost Of Lost Funds

May 15th, 2013

Lost fund costs are increasing into the billions of dollars and treasurers around the nation are at odds on how to stop the problem. Many people who speak of these lost fund costs liken the wave of money to an ocean tide. Some months hardly any checks flow in. On other months, particularly around tax time, checks and funds from around the country flow into state and federal treasury offices. These checks represent the hard-earned wages of average Americans – lost paychecks, abandoned bank accounts, misplaced 401K accounts. Yet with the public largely unaware of the problem, and with millions of dollars flowing into state and federal coffers annually, a solution must be made and it needs to be made soon if the country hopes to keep these lost fund costs below the national average.

Help The State Treasury Release Lost Funds

April 9th, 2013

If you want to do a good deed for the day, why not help the state Treasury wherever you happen to live? They always say that doing good deeds will pay off in the long run. In the case of helping out the Treasury, you may see benefit right away. That’s because you will be helping the state unload millions and possibly billions of dollars in lost funds. If you could use a little extra money in your bank account and you want some good karma coming your way, conduct a search for lost funds today.

How Tax Refunds Become Lost Funds

March 25th, 2013

As an American, you are required to file your taxes every year on April 15th. In most cases, the person filing will receive a refund. This is money that was overpaid to the government throughout the year and now it’s being sent back to you. If you fail to file or you file incorrectly, you may end up losing some of your refund. When you lose a refund, that money doesn’t just go away and it’s certainly not absorbed by the IRS. Instead, all those lost tax refunds end up sitting at the bottom of some account until the rightful owners come forward. This is your chance to find your lost tax refunds and you don’t even have to contact the IRS to do it.

What Happens To Lost Funds Of The Deceased?

February 26th, 2013

There are many reasons to search for lost funds, one of them being that the lost funds of the deceased turn up all the time. Many people don’t think about the funds that accumulate year after year, money that once belonged to a living breathing person but now rests in an unclaimed money vault. These deceased lost funds are just ripe for someone to search for them. The problem is that most people don’t realize that lost funds of the deceased are even out there to be found. Let’s look at an example of how deceased lost funds come to be and how you can claim those funds as your own.

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When you perform a free trial search on CashUnclaimed.com we display the total dollar amount in unclaimed funds that we show reported by the appropriate government agencies. This does not guarantee that this money is 100% absolutely yours. What it means is that there is that total dollar amount shown by government agencies under your name and common variations of your name at the last time we had the information available to us was reported as unclaimed and is able to have a claim form submitted to be paid that amount. For more information please read our terms of use by clicking the link above.